Saturday 9 August 2014

2 weeks to go

Hi all 

2 weeks today I will be huffing and puffing after lugging all the boxes. I cant wait not for the hard work but for the new home. New home new start hopefully things can start sorting themselves. 

Was in court Thursday for my ESA and had a panic attack thought i was getting somewhere but its clear I still need some work to get back tot he old me. Stupid depression and anxiety really does get to you at times. I have come a long way but no where near the person I used to be. 

ESA appeal ruled in my favour so I have a goal of 18 months to work on myself and get back to a newer me. 
Hoping that the new house is a start. 

Spk to you all soon x

Wednesday 6 August 2014

6th August 2014

Hi all,

So far today haven't got alot done at 10.40am apart from catch up on current episodes of True Blood. Big vampire fan. Feeling rough as always at this time of the month, just waiting for the migraine. Signing off for a bit to do some packing before I feel too poorly.

Before I go our new African Pygmy Hedgehog finally has a new name "Princess Lola" Date of Birth 1at Dec 2013. She has put a little weight on so think sh may be pregant.

Bye for now. Becky x

Monday 4 August 2014

Getting Ready for THE MOVE

Hi guys, 

Hope your all having fun crafting. My week has started with packing, and phone calls. There are 19 Days until we move. 
Checklist has commenced .....

Mail redirected - Check
Cable redirected - Check
Installation booked - Check

Stressed and excited is a strange feeling trying to be as organised as possible. Waiting in for my Argos delivery today also ...
Was going to wait but it was a bargain ...

3 for 2 on colour match and half price on one item....

2 x Black colour match dinner sets
1 x Tea coffee sugar biscuit and bread in Purple     Should have come to around £70 but £31 paid.
Bidded on lovely table and chairs also as we havent got table and chairs and kids really need someone to sit. 

Signing out for now, Happy Crafting x

Saturday 2 August 2014

Moving Date

Hi all, Hope your all well haven't been on for a while been so busy with family as one of my family members is very poorly and needs looking after. Website is on hold until september and my crafting just too busy to get it out and cant concentrate. Kids on half term. moving in 3 weeks. Need to take a breather.

Am really excited to be moving we are down sizing our garden, as we are corner and its far to big and very un secure with 3 kids one of which is autistic and very trusting. And my 3 year old is just a little rascal.

So much to do.

On the plus side we had a beautiful day. Me and hubby 3 little munchkins father in law and sis in law and her hubby in the garden having a good chin wag.

Night for now Keep crafting x

Tuesday 24 June 2014

New Blog Layout and Little mans first school trip

Morning crazy crafters 

How are you all ?? I have been playing with my blog and changed the template nice and pink what do you think?? 

My little man L is 3 and when on his first school trip yesterday to Shorne coutry park on a mini beast trail, He had a fab time so hard to let them do things from a mums point of view but they miss out if you dont let go lol. 

Playing with my website so will be down for a while have a group of facebook where I will be listing all my items including auctions and giveaways.

well off shopping today and a last minute card to make fora friends daughter. Peppa pig and jesse from toy story. Thats 2 peppa pig cards I have done this week for friends. 

Catch you all in a bit school run is calling 

Becky x

Sunday 22 June 2014

My hoglet

My African pygmy hoglet 6 weeks old ready to go to new home in 2 weeks first litter from my cha cha 

Saturday 21 June 2014

New home

Been and sorted paperwork for my new home can't wait 4 way exchange baffling but think all paperwork is sorted