Saturday 2 August 2014

Moving Date

Hi all, Hope your all well haven't been on for a while been so busy with family as one of my family members is very poorly and needs looking after. Website is on hold until september and my crafting just too busy to get it out and cant concentrate. Kids on half term. moving in 3 weeks. Need to take a breather.

Am really excited to be moving we are down sizing our garden, as we are corner and its far to big and very un secure with 3 kids one of which is autistic and very trusting. And my 3 year old is just a little rascal.

So much to do.

On the plus side we had a beautiful day. Me and hubby 3 little munchkins father in law and sis in law and her hubby in the garden having a good chin wag.

Night for now Keep crafting x

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