Sunday 1 December 2013

My New Animal Addition

Evening all,

My hubby wanted a chameleon for christmas, we already have 2 bearded dragons who are lovely and docile and love the kids. So I brought him a 6 month old Yemen Chameleon female,

Here she is sitting on hubby head, she loves hair for some reason ....

She is settled in well, has a nice 4ft home with lots of branches and plants.

My Bearded Dragon female had 13 eggs and we have 4 babies left to go to homes. 
2 are off 2mrw and the other 2 will be off to homes soon just waiting for them to confirm when they want them.

Was an unexpected time for us as she was pregnant when we got her, found out after we had her for 3 weeks and she started acting perculiar, was a great experience watching her lay her eggs, We incubated in home made incubator and all 13 eggs hatched we raised the babies and have homes for all of them with enquiries that we have had to turn away. Also enquiries from pet shop so may look at breeding her next year.

I will post pics of my Beardies tomorrow.

Night all Lil Fairy off for the night x

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